DeBleeder Terminal Commands VST
The following instructions are using the terminal in OSX for dealing with the security issues introduced in Mojave and Catalina. To run them goto your application folder and than into the utilities folder, in there you will see the program called terminal, launch that. These instructions assume you have already placed the file in the appropriate directory using the finder. This FAQ describes at the bottom how in the finders do you make it so it reveals hidden folders.
Some Daws may use a different file location in which case these locations would need to be adjusted. This location is typical for around 80% of the Daws. If you are using the VST3 files instead the commands all need the VST changed to vst3
Once the VST files are moved to the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST folder these commands can than be used. Note Catalina must use only the 64 bit version so don't put the 32 bit version in as well.
Copy and paste each line one at time into the terminal and hit return after pasting it in
cd /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
cd /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3 If you are using vst3 plugins
(Note if you are using a DAW where its default location is under the username, then place the files in the library under the username. If this is what you have the above command would change to the following cd ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST )
ls -l@
You should see 3 DeBleeder_64_XXX.VST files displayed in the output. If they are not there you have placed it in the wrong place. Remember there are actually 2 libraries one under the username and one under the main hard drive name, you want to have it under the main hard drive name. Probably the DeBleeder_64_XXX.VST files will have an attribute called showing on it. This attribute needs to be removed. The following command does that.
xattr -d DeBleeder_64_Mono.vst DeBleeder_64_Stereo.vst DeBleeder_64.vst
for VST3 use xattr -d DeBleeder_64_Mono.vst3 DeBleeder_64_Stereo.vst3 DeBleeder_64.vst3 Note if you are using the 32 bit versions change the 64 to 32 in the command
ls -l@
You should see 3 DeBleeder_64_XXX.VST (or VST3 or 32 bit ) files still there but they should no longer have the flag on it.
Reboot your mac.
Run your DAW it should be there will be under Wilkinson Audio DeBleeder
For those not familiar with the use of the terminal this video should be of help. May put you to sleep but covers the use of the terminal and these commands.